For your blog content and other material you produce, consider which of the Creative Commons licences you would use, and justify your choice.
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All this CC is new to me. First time I heard of it, was during the EDC-mooc. For years I've collected a lot of ressources from the internet and posted them on my own website. The website, that I use to facilitate my students learning.
I must admit, I have absolutely NO idea of which CC licences the collected materials have. So I don't feel I have any right to put a CC licence on my site, until I have sorted out any licences on the collected materials. But I will certainly be aware of this in the future.
For my blogs it's easier. All my blogs are quite new, and I've only shared my own or open content. Here I've chosen the CC - BY - SA. I like and benefit a lot from the culture of sharing, so it would be wrong to deny other people to share my stuff. And if somebody wants to re-use or re-shape it, and showed me the result, I think I would feel proud. Or at least think it was fun.
So, deciding a licence was easy. To put it on Blogger was more difficult. I tried to add it as a gadget, but couldn't make it work. Then as a last desperate try I wanted to add it as a gadget in the bottom of the screen and VOILA it worked. The gadget "Configure HTML / JavaScript" did the trick :)
6 kommentarer:
Hi Gitte:
I'm curious whether in choosing a CC-BY-SA license for one's blog, would this mean one can use materials in the blog that are originally licensed CC-BY? I'm guessing that would be okay, because the CC-BY suggests that one can do whatever one wants with the material, including, I suppose, restricting it to only SA in future? Just a question that I thought of, and wondered what you or others thought.
Of course, one restriction is that blogs that use CC-BY, such as mine, couldn't re-use materials from your blog or others with CC-BY-SA (such as any figures/tables/charts, etc. that you create). But that's the point of SA, so I suppose that's okay!
Hi Christina. A good question.
I use the SA because I don't want people to use "my" stuff in something that will be licensed with ND. I would not have any problems with a clean CC-BY.
If you run into a real problem with your CC-BY, you still have the opportunity to contact people and ask them.
Ah, this makes sense--I see your point. But officially, if your stuff is CC-BY-SA, I wouldn't be able to use it in a CC-BY work. Though I think I can just contact the author and ask for permission, right? That would solve the problem, except usually I just ignore everything that's not CC-BY when I want to use it. I only search for CC-BY so I avoid any incompatibility. Good to remind me, though, that I can just ask for permission if I want to use something else!
I'll have to go back and read again on their website. If they say anything this situation. It is important to know.
Ok. A guess:
You can mark your blog how you want to. If you use some of my CC-BY-SA licensed picture, you just put the same license on the picture on you blog. I saw some websites saying, that if nothing else is was mentioned, then this website is licensed CC-BY.
Ah, I see. So I could keep the CC-BY-SA for something I used from somewhere else, but could say that otherwise, my blog is CC-BY. That makes sense. Thanks for checking!
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