In this blog post I use following abbreviations:
ECTS European Credit Transfer SystemFFR Final Forum Report
HEI Higher education institution
OCW Open Course Ware
OER Open Education Ressources
OERT Open Education Ressources test
Detailed list of used ressources is in the end of the post.
My son and my mother in the airport Friday morning |
He and 21 other students from our school spent ten days teaching students in Sankandi Basic School in the Zambian bush.
And finally the FFR mentions another problem: An increasing amount of OER is being available. If it should have any value, it has to be identified, tagged and organized in order to be easy retrieved and re-used. MERLOT is one of the initiatives to work on this. They have 13,000 free online teaching and learning materials.
Our school, Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles 1 (EEB1) participates in a project that aims to help schools in the western province of Zambia. Every year we send 22 of our 6th year secondary students to teach in the school and to witness how the collected money and materials are used. They visit other schools in the area incl Sioma High School.
Pupils in Sankandi Basic School (foto by Sebastian Bailey Hass) |
Watching my sons photos and listening to his experiences I can't help to connect it to the Open Education course and how the need for OER suddenly seems extra ....uh, could I say more real ?
Many of the kids have to walk more than an hour by foot every morning to get to the school. My son tells how some of the kids didn't have clean paper to write on. Instead they used old newspapers. I asked him about access to computers. The High school students, not the basic school, had some very old computers, but nevertheless internet.
They have to pay a fee to attend high school, so a lot of the children only have the chance if they get a scolarship due to very good grades. If they make it through the high school, Wikipedia says about the universities in Zambia:
Normally they all select students on the basis of ability; competition for places is intense. The introduction of fees in the late 1990s has made university level education inaccessible for some, although the government does provide state bursaries.
This brings me back to the h817open assingment and pointing at three key issues of OER. I've chosen these three key features:
- Barriers to uptake
- Learning support
- Quality
To get deeper into the three issues I used 3 medias. An article from the OER reading list on Cloudworks, a report from the h817open Diigo group and a TEDtalk
- Paul Albrights Final Forum Report (as I refer to as FFR in following text).
- OERtest by Anthony F. Camilleri and others (OERT in the following text)
- TEDtalk by Daphne Koller
Barriers to uptake
About the barriers I found some considerations I didn't already mention in activity 4. To benefit from the online OER you need to have access to the internet. And especially the developing countries have an inadequate ICT infrastructure. In the Final Forum Report one of the OER providers is qouted:
“There is a trade-off between using the latest technologies that provide rich virtual environments, simulations, and robust feedback that will deliver a more effective learning environment but that require high bandwidth and limiting the environment to low bandwidth forms of delivery (text).” (FFR)Besides the lack of internet access, also lack of familiarity or confidence with technology kept the OERs inaccessible for new users.
"As a consequence, the development of support structures for potential users (and providers) is a central feature of the AVU’s OER strategy" (FFR)The African Virtuel University (AVU) tries to adress some of these issues. They established "mirror sites" in Kenya and Ethiopia to widen the access in areas with bandwidth so low, that it gave problems to use the OER on the original website from MIT. In other parts of the world the focus is changed to manage the arrays of OER so they are of maximum benefit to the users.
The report further points out barriers with the language. About 10 per cent of the global population, 6.3 billion people, speaks english. But the vast majority of OERs are in english. And developed in the Western culture and on Western learning theories.
"The conditions under which OER are created, the languages used, and the teaching methodologies employed result in products that are grounded in and specific to the culture and educational norms of their developers. This may be remote from the understandings of other cultures and lead to (1)dysfunctional education, and (2)a reduced potential for developing countries to contribute research, training, experiences and understanding that invigorates the value and scope of OER." (FFR)
As said here, the problem has to sides: language and culture. You can only solve this partly by translation. There is more a need for adaption of the OERs to the needs and modes of the local contexts. This is a very important part of making the OERs global. Some organisations e.g. Universia have chosen to change their aim from translating OERs to help universities develop their own.
And finally the FFR mentions another problem: An increasing amount of OER is being available. If it should have any value, it has to be identified, tagged and organized in order to be easy retrieved and re-used. MERLOT is one of the initiatives to work on this. They have 13,000 free online teaching and learning materials.
Learning support
For me as a teacher the learning support and the assessment is tightly connected. I haven't read so much international literature about the subject yet, but in Denmark we work with different sorts of loops in the didactic designs. These loops include formative and summative evaluation, and they ensure that both the learner and the teacher know where the student is and how to move on from here towards the goals. In this way assessing is a process that active affects the learning process and vice versa.
Besides the formative assessment there is other ways to support the learners.
The OERT describes the learning part of the students learning pathway as
They imagine the passport system as a formal collection of information from the OER provider, the learner and the assessing/ certifying institution as shown on the picture below:
In this way it would be possible for the student to obtain ETCS recognition even though the modules are from different HEI.
And how to ensure the quality in the OERs? As I already mentioned in the part about barriers, the HEI networks have begun the important and heavy process to ensure their OER can be adapted or rewritten to the different contexts around the globe. And the Learning passport could also be a way to ensure the quality, because the HEI have to assess each others OERs in the certification process.
Based on the studies in the OERT, Anne-Christin Tannhäuser and Anthony F. Camilleri gives seven projections, which makes predictions of likely future scenarios in a specific area of OER Module-development, on the assumption that current trends in the field will continue. The prediction about the quality in the OER is:
Regarding the language barriers and the OER movement it can turn out to be luck for the children in Zambia, that they live in a former british colony (a very narrow view, I know). Because it means, they speak english. It could pretty easy be OER that provides these young people with knowledge after they leave the secondary school.
And I can´t help thinking of the cheap smart phones I wrote about in activity 3 (under N in the Prezi). Maybe in a few years these kids' easiest way to internet and OER will be via smart phones. If the telecompanies and the HEI continue their current efforts, the future seems brigther for the students in Sankandi Basic School.
Besides the formative assessment there is other ways to support the learners.
The OERT describes the learning part of the students learning pathway as
"Guiding - this involves the forms of learning support a student will receive - whether through materials, from community support, or from other sources"
"Document - this is the student‘s creation of a learning portfolio, documenting their acquisition of learning outcomes throughout the process"OER can be used in classes and then the situation can look a lot like my daily teaching life. If the OER is to be used in more distant learning or even in a mooc, the teacher and the students don't have the same possibilities for collaboration. Instead the loops can be driven in other ways. Here Daphne Koller (co-founder of Coursera) explains how they use technology and peer assessment in their courses.
Besides the quiz in the OER material, the blog posts comments by the students / tutor, the networking in foras like Google+ and peer- and self assessment, there as been developed certification. One example is Mozilla Open Badges, which Open University chose to use here in their mooc Open Education. This blog post is my first object for assessment, that involves a staff member and not only include self- or peer assessment.
OERT mentioned the need for students "documenting their acquisition of learning outcomes throughout the process". The online courses I've participated in have all used students' blogs in the learning process. And I've learned what a powerful tool it can be. Now I base a part of my own classroom teaching on students blogs, where the students have to comment on each others posts. And we can use these blogs for evaluation and discussion in class.
If we want the OER movement to succeed in giving a real alternative to the traditional higher education, we have to ensure the quality in two ways:
- recognition of the quality in achieved learning
- ensuring quality of content and media in the OER
When a student compose her education by modules from different providers, it can be difficult to achieve the recognition of the quality in the learning, because nobody, except from the student her self, can have an overview over the combined training compared to traditional HEI training. OERT mentions learning passports as a solution:
"The learning passport combines information which the different actors in an unbundled learning system are requested to provide inorder to put open learning recognition into practice"
They imagine the passport system as a formal collection of information from the OER provider, the learner and the assessing/ certifying institution as shown on the picture below:
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Source: OERT page 42 |
And how to ensure the quality in the OERs? As I already mentioned in the part about barriers, the HEI networks have begun the important and heavy process to ensure their OER can be adapted or rewritten to the different contexts around the globe. And the Learning passport could also be a way to ensure the quality, because the HEI have to assess each others OERs in the certification process.
Based on the studies in the OERT, Anne-Christin Tannhäuser and Anthony F. Camilleri gives seven projections, which makes predictions of likely future scenarios in a specific area of OER Module-development, on the assumption that current trends in the field will continue. The prediction about the quality in the OER is:
"The overall number of OCW offerings has been growing steadily for the past 10 years. However, many of these have been unsuitable for high quality self-learning, since they were only samples of existing courses, lecture dumps, or materials from retired courses for use as marketing. Currently, we observe a ‘second generation’ of OCW being produced: custom-designed, high-quality Open Courses designed specifically for self-study. These are being driven by:
- the current boom of non-formal providers boosting open learning
- at no cost for learners, many supported by philanthropic funding;
- more public investment being dedicated to OCW in some countries;
- the steadily increasing membership OpenCourseWare consortium in some European countries and beyond;
- the high level policy recommendations by the OECD and the UNESCO on OERs
- the investigation by major universities of models for mainstream provision of OCW as part of the functions of a university, rather than use merely as a marketing tool" (OERT)
OER and the pupils in the Western province of Zambia
Students from secondary in Sankandi Basic School. Foto: Sebastian Bailey Hass |
Regarding the language barriers and the OER movement it can turn out to be luck for the children in Zambia, that they live in a former british colony (a very narrow view, I know). Because it means, they speak english. It could pretty easy be OER that provides these young people with knowledge after they leave the secondary school.
And I can´t help thinking of the cheap smart phones I wrote about in activity 3 (under N in the Prezi). Maybe in a few years these kids' easiest way to internet and OER will be via smart phones. If the telecompanies and the HEI continue their current efforts, the future seems brigther for the students in Sankandi Basic School.
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Camp Zeec where our students lived during their Zambia stay. Foto source: |
- Final Forum Report International Institute for Educational Planning
Internet Discussion Forum
Author: Paul Albright - OERtest
Editors: Anthony F. Camilleri, Anne-Christin Tannhäuser
Publisher: EFQUEL – European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (BE)
Standard Number: ISBN / EAN : 9789082020502
- Daphne Koller about What we're learning from online education
TED talk
Added 2.4.2013: Awarded with the badge today :)
8 kommentarer:
I appreciate that your post was a creative blend of doing the assignment while weaving in you experiences as a professional and your thoughts about extending OER's into an "underserved" area. Thank you for being a thought leader and instilling that in your prodigy.
I, also, grew up in a former British colony on the eastern seaboard of the USA and it is an advantage of never worrying about having to take ESL classes-:)In that respect I agree the Zambians are lucky.
Thank you Deborah. It was so obvious for me to mix Zambia in it. It has been a fantastic experience for my son and he keeps on telling more details.
Without this school trip, I think I would have focussed more on the fact, that EU now talks about the recognition of OER. I find the pass port idea very interesting. And before reading for this blog post, I didn't know anything about european views on the subject. Do the american universities accept the ETCS system or how does the exchange between european and american HEIs work?
And I realized, how often Edinburgh University is mentioned when I read european sources about evolving of and discussions about OER. I guess it was no coincidence that the EDC was so well planned.
I thought your three choices of focus were well supported in your blogpost and I especially enjoyed the way you wove your son's experience into it. I did notice in the final school photo all the students are boys. Is there another school for girls?
Regarding your comment about how active EU is... I recently watched a TEDx talk about mapping and analyzing contributions to the internet and global access points and Europe is a real hot spot. I'll post the video to the ,h817 conversation because it is really interesting.
Hi Annie. I asked Sebastian about the boys / girl classes. The class in the photo is a mixed class. But the girls look like the boys for us, because they all have the short hair.
Thanks a lot for the TEDx talk. I'll see it now.
Hi, Gitte
Wonderful journey
I liked your post a lot. Besides there are many issues absolutely parallel to what i have recently read (from Cloudworks papers, Mathias Hatakka):
Very good job yours. Sure
Thank you Luis. I have just had to pleasure to read the report "Build it and they will come?" Thanks a lot for link. It is very interesting reading. And I will pearl the article in my mooc pearl tree for future use.
Hi Gitte
I enjoyed reading your blog for two reasons: firstly, I lived for three years as a teenager in Zambia and so am always interested to learn more about what it is like now; and secondly, I am weeks behind on this course and struggling to get motivated, and it reinvigorated me, made me feel that there are links between OER and the ‘real world’, and that perhaps I can get on and do Activity 7 myself now.
I am not sure yet how I can tie the activity to some aspect of my own life beyond the readings (or even if I can), but this has given me the impetus to try. Not sure about 500 words though!
Thanks for re-motivating me!
What a great post
I really enjoyed reading your blog. It was informative, accessible and most important fun. I found it really energised my learning process - thank you
I liked you point about language being a barrier to learning 10% really put it in context. I find that I use translate functions for small texts but it is not suitable for longer pieces or technical information
You mention SMART phones as a possible help in the future, I do have a little caution about the barriers to learning this may present eyecare is often not good in some areas of the developing world.
Thanks for a wonderful post, really vibrant writing and great images
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