torsdag den 31. januar 2013

Technology as a child of knowledge?

I can`t help thinking of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They caused the condemnation of man by biting the apple from the Tree of Knowledge. This act lifted them out of their childlike innocence and into the need of being responsible for their own lives and happiness. Being responsible means for me also to find new and improved solutions. And the technology is one of the answers to that.

Ever since the Sumerians invented writing, or rather evolved writing, or even before that, when we learned how to use the first tools of stone, bone and tree the technology has made human life easier. And on the same time, it has made us more powerful, which of course calls upon an even bigger responsibility for how we choose to use the technologies. The stone axe can be used both to kill a child and to build a shelter for a pregnant woman. The computers can be used both to control  drones killing civilians and to save lives in hospitals.

I would say the technology is evolving in the common field between needs, possibilities, resources and curiosity/ fantasy. To put the technology itself in control of this evolution is wrong.

It is of course impossible as an individual  to be in control of the evolution and use of technology. But as a global civilization we do have the control together. This is one of the reasons to improve education and democracy globally.

And I can't help smiling by the fact, that the logo of some of my favourite tech- devices is an Apple. Yes I read the book, and yes Steve Jobs said it was just a coincidence. But I still love that coincidence.
So here it is. The Apple who started our voyage towards more and more  technology :)

Picture credit: 
I made the picture in Gimp. I used Apples logo in and found the snake on

onsdag den 30. januar 2013

Week 1. Utopia, dystopia and technological determinisn

After 3 days studying movies, discussions and articles, I feel ready to share my impressions from the first week in EDC_MOOC.

The film festival.

Of the 4 videos, Beneditos Maschine III was for me the one outstanding. In addition to the thunder, the gloomy fire- or warlike background and the black silhouettes, the story was catching.

It fascinated me how the evolving machines caused more and more evilness, killed people and destroyed the buildings. And still the only solutions for the humans seemed to be newer and even more powerful technology.

Using the concepts fra Daniel Chandler I would claim the people in the Benedito act as they believe in reaching utopia though techno-evolution (regard progress as inevitable). And it becomes such horrible scenes because for us, the viewers, as it is obvious, that the technology is evil, autonomous and anthropomorphic. The autonomy even makes the technology evolve despite the people gives smaller gifts (first a beautiful music box, then a stone or a handful of dirt). In the end the humans not even climb the mountain or ask the sky for help.  Humanity seems like completely having lost control.  This is so dystopian.
But then in the last scene the surviving human being turns around and runs. Before the machine harms anything or anybody (except for the things it landed on) The question is why is he running away? Is he's leaving the techno-evolutionary idea? Or is he running back to the mountain to ask the sky for a new machine? I'm tempted to say this could be a droplet of voluntarism. But due to voluntarism as opposed to technological determinism the film can not claim both.

So where does Benedittos Machine leaves me? It's like the film claims, that IF we have a choice, it's only between technology or no technology.  If we choose the technology, the technology will end up controlling and harming us. New, better and less harmful technology is not an option here.

Utopian and dystopian stories about technology told in popular films

I really enjoyed that part. I contributed to the Wallwisher started by one of the my fellow students (sorry I forgot the name). It was the flipped class room unfolded for me. When I went to bed, there was about 12 notes on the wall. Next morning a lot, lot more. A fantastic feeling to work on a product with so many and for me unknown collaborators. And I certainly got many ideas to films, I would like to (re)view.

The discussions and foras

All in all I  really enjoy having the possibility to dive down in discussion threads in the EDC forum as well as Google+, Facebook and Twitter and leave a comment here and there.

This course has given me my Twitter debut and it was with a smile on my face, I posted my tweet no. 10 yesterday :D  I just have to learn the special Twitter language, so my tweets can have a little more content.

Margherita Maes tweeted a link to a picture about dystopian books. Very interesting, so I'll repost it here:

søndag den 20. januar 2013

One more week to go

Just about one more week to go before the course starts. I feel quite exited about it, and this feeling increases everytime I go into the EDC_MOOC Facebook group. The atmosphere in there makes me feel the course has already been started. My fellow students are very open minded, active and sharing. Even now a week before the beginning I´ve learned some good tips and tricks from some of them.

I'm a dane living in Bruxelles. Been here for 6 years now. I have to speak danish, english and french everyday. I am very aware of the lack of correctness in both my grammar and my vocabulary, so for me this course has an extra challenge. What will it be like to have to express myself in english, in deeper levels, about theories of learning etc. This is an area where I usually speak and write danish. I'll see about that. Challenge accepted :)

Today we are more than 100 who joined the facebook group and added our blogs to the adress list. In the end of February 2013 this list will for sure be turned into a list of inspiring and creative thoughts and ideas. Feel free to have a look at it here:

  1. Steve Holland -
  2. Pat Cushing -
  3. Eric Clark -
  4. Analía Carrio -
  5. Willa Ryerson -
  6. Mick Pope -
  7. Angela Towndrow -
  8. Amy Burvall -
  9. Laurie Niestrath-
  10. Rozalia Zeibeki -
  11. Chris Swift -
  12. Sally -
  13. Mark Shea -
  14. Helen Hodson -
  15. Mohammed Shehata -
  16. Madhura Pradhan -
  17. Kelcy Allwein -
  18. Steve Stander -
  19. Eric Hartman -
  20. Desislava Pedeva-Fazlic -
  21. Hayley Atkinson
  23. Helen Crump
  24. Kyle Bettley
  25. Cathy (MarleyLG)
  26. Sulieman Alshuhri -
  27. Britt Watwood -
  28. Ary Aranguiz -
  29. Diana Sauerwein -
  30. Elizabeth Woodworth - 
  31. Nigel Thomas -
  32. Donna Kallner --
  33. Emily Purser -
  34. Melinda Bey -
  35. Melissa Koch-
  36. Jeanne Dorle -
  37. Ronald Voorn-
  38. Sarah Prentice
  39. Dan Lemay -
  40. Sandra Sinfield - <
  41. Brooke Hessler -
  42. Paula Hall -
  43. Alison Christie
  44. Ljiljana Gacic -
  45. Elena Sher -   
  46. Rick Bartlett -
  47. Jeff Merrell -
  48. Kay Cantwell - (and - my work blog)
  49. Dominic Benson
  50. Cathleen Nardi
  51. Tim O'Riordan - (and my work blog -
  52. Sara Genone
  53. Ergin Kesgin -
  54. Adrian Hodge - 
  55. 55. Lucy Spalding 
  56. Raina Gangwal
  57. Raina Gangwal - This is currently my thesis project:
  58. Nancy Weitz (Architela)
  59. Stephanie Reisner
  60. Wayne Barry
  61. Vaibhav Sawhney:
  62. Mel Jones and my long-standing blog 
  63. Gitte Bailey Hass
  64. Andrew Roewe
  65. Anne Robertson
  66. Deborah Hamilton
  67. María F. Mandujano
  68. Taruna Goel
  69. Héctor Martín (mostly in Spanish)
  70. Zoran Kojcic 
  71. Katherine Montero (spanish): & (english)
  72. Christopher Orchard
  73. Kevin Eagan
  74. José Erigleidson
  75. Maria Athanasiou
  76. Antonio José Campillo 
  77. Serena Trowbridge
  78. Bea Cuartero: (Spanish) and (English/Spanish)
  79. Bruna Damiana (portuguese)
  80. Scott R. Franklin
  81. Ami. Erickson
  82. Paige Polcene
  83. Ruth Wilson
  84. Rick Prins
  85. Lisa Pieraccini
  86. Kamala Robinson
  87. Nick Hood
  88. Julie Shapiro
  89. Solveig Johnsen 
  90. Kerry Dwyer
  91. Catalin Zmole
  92. Elizabeth Lockett
  93. Pooya Zarei
  94. Colin Smith
  95. Claudia Gonzalez
  96. Yvette Rubio
  97. Theo Bakker (in Dutch)
  98. Karen Griffiths 
  99. Jonathan Purdy
  100. Andrew Wynhoven
  101. Kim Rounsefell
  102. Kate Freedman
  103. Ryan Tracey
  104. Teresa Gibbison (a 'sometimes' blogger!)
  105. Sunil Gunderia
  106. Jo Fothergill
  107. Jorge López Canales
  108. Miguel Villanueva Coaguila